Adang Bachtiar
Has a doctorate degree from the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. Departement of International Health Baltimore, Maryland -USA, he is a researcher with strong background in Health Policy and Management System anda also Quality Improvement in Health Care. He dedicated large study on Benefit Evaluation Study in ICDC Program, as well as focused studies on Management and Evaluation of Public Health Program.
No | Title | Year |
1 | Strategic Plan Development of District Health Program in Subang West Java, | 2007 |
2 | Evaluation of Health care Program for Poor Family in Tasikmalaya | 2007 |
3 | Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction of Poor Familly to Primary Health Care in Tasikmalaya | 2007 |
4 | Healthcare system at State Border Area in Badau-Sambas, West Kalimantan | 2007 |
5 | Prevalence Study of Child Tuberculosis in Central Java & East NTT, | 2007 |
6 | Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction of Poor Familly to Primary Health Care in Serang District | 2007 |
7 | Evaluation of Program Socialization of Askeskin in Serang Distrct, | 2007 |
8 | Evaluation of Puskesmas Perfomance in Askeskin Program Using Balanced Scorecard in Serang District, | 2007 |
9 | Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction of Poor Familly to Public Hospital in Serang District | 2007 |
10 | Policy Evaluation Study on Health Deconcentration Funds in Provinces | 2007 |
11 | Development of Health Organization Stuctures in Jakarta Province | 2007 |
12 | Development of Health Indicators and targets for 2008, Jakarta Health Province | 2007 |
13 | Evaluation of Health Program Performance in 2007, | 2007 |
14 | Evaluation of Health Program Performance in 2007, | 2007 |
15 | Development of Strategic Plan of Tanggerang District Health Office, | 2006 |
16 | Study of Need and Demand of Nurse Diploma III Special Study Program | 2006 |
17 | Study of Graduates Placement an Career of Nurse Diploma III Special Study Program, | 2006 |
18 | Client Satisfaction of Traditional Healers Registration at West Jakarta City Healthcare Office | 2006 |
19 | Client Satisfaction of Physician Practices Registration at West Jakarta City Healthcare Office | 2006 |
20 | Client Satisfaction of Food Beverages Drug Stores Registration at West Jakarta City Healthcare Office, | 2006 |
21 | Patient Satisfaction of Poor Familly at Cengkareng Hospital, | 2006 |
22 | Develpoment of Strategic Plan of West Jakarta City Healthcare office | 2006 |
23 | Evaluation of Health Safety net (PKPS BBM) in Indonesia | 2006 |
24 | Prevalence Study of Child Tuberculosis in West Sumatra, | 2006 |
25 | Healthcare program indicators in Jakarta Province Health Office, | 2006 |
26 | Healthcare system at State Border Area in Sanggau & Sambas, West Kalimantan | 2006 |
27 | Evaluation Study of Midwives Diploma III Special Study Program | 2006 |
28 | Study of Program Audit of District Grant at Lampung and Yokyakarta Provinces | 2006 |
29 | Study on Health Information System for Puskesmas, | 2006 |
30 | Evaluation of Health Programs Implementation in DKI Jakarta, | 2006 |
31 | Study on Factors related to Profeesional Achiements of Health Workers | 2005 |
32 | Study on Role and Function Nurses at Remote Health Centre | 2005 |
33 | Study of Policy Framework for Human Resources for Health, | 2005 |
34 | Development of Health Master Plan of Riau Province -2007 to 2020 | 2005 |
35 | Benefit Evaluation Study -2 in 7 provinces 27 District ICDC | 2004 |
36 | Health Financial Program Study in Riau Province | 2003 |
37 | KKP Structurization Study in Indonesia, | 2003 |
38 | Desentralization Study in Indonesia, | 2003 |
39 | Study Audit District Grant at Lampung and Yokyakarta province | 2003 |
40 | Health Desentralization indicator Development Study | 2003 |
41 | Study Evalution on fellowship student on HP-V project, | 2003 |
42 | Master Plan Development of Integrated Health Information System DKI, | 2003 |
43 | Intervention Study of Public Private Mix TBC service at Private doctor and Private hospital | 2003 |