Community Nutrition

  • Baseline Survey for SENYUM program in child nutritional status in 17 Kelurahan in Jakarta. Mercy (2005)
  • “Study on micro-nutrient supplementation to pregnant women to reduce low birth weight babies”. 1998-2002 UNICEF’s fund
  • Lipid Survey, Jakarta. Bayer Corp (2000)
  • Low birth weight and micronutrient trial. UNICEF (2000)
  • “Intervention study to improve the distribution of iron folate for alleviating anemia among pregnant women in two rural sub-districts, Indramayu” USAID’s grant through the Mother Care Project of the John Snow Inc.
  • “Study on feeding patterns and food intake among infants and young children, Indramayu, West Java”. UNICEF’s fund. (1997)
  • “A multi-center study: Field Trial on Iron/Zinc Supplementation on Infants and Young Children in Indramayu, West Java”.UNICEF’s fund (1997-8)

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