Throughout the years of its academic and research activities, the centre has earned a reputation, largely through the achievements of its academic staff, many of whom are members of distinguished national and international academic societies.
The CHR-UI has a newly appointed director: DR. dra. Rita Damayanti, MSPH The Director is supported by a core of senior researchers with expertise in various fields of public health and community development. They include Prof. dr. Budi Utomo, MPH, PhD; Prof. Dr. Tri Budi W. Raharjo, MA; Dr. drg Mardiati Nadjib, MSc;Â DR. dr. Sabarinah, M.Sc; dr. Tri Yunis Miko Wahyono, MSc; Drs. Heru Suparno, M.Kes; Yudarini, SH, M.Kes; Drs. Dadun, M.Kes; Purwa Kurnia Sucahya, SKM, MSi; dr. Nugroho Soeharno, M.Kes; Dini Dachlia, SKM, MKes; Drs. Ferdinand P. Siagian, MSi; Subarkah, SPi, MSi; Amry Ismail, SKM, MKM; Agus Dwi Setiawan, S.Sos. They are supported by researchers and trainees, whom graduated from various fields of study including anthropology, sociology, public health, nutrition, medicine, law, economics, psychology and geography. Many of these staff members have been actively involved in most of CHR-UI’s research projects throughout Indonesia. The CHR-UI is also supported by its own administrative, financial staff and librarian.
The centre is situated in the university’s main campus in Depok, West Java, and 35 kilometres southeast of Jakarta. The centre has its own library and computer units, which are equipped with the latest computer hardware and software programs to support both quantitative and qualitative analysis, and to sustain large and small surveys. However, the centre aims to continue to expand its capacity and produce higher levels of quality products.