- Survei Nasional Penyalahgunaan dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba pada Sektor Transportasi (Darat, Laut, dan Udara) di 23 propinsi di Indonesia (BNN, 2013)
- Outcome Evaluation of Dunia Remajaku Seru (DAKU) Intervention Programme among Young People (WPF, 2013)
- Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan HIV AIDS pada Pengguna NAPZA Suntik di Jakarta Selatan (HIV AIDS Corporation Proram for Indonesia/HCPI, 2013)
- Survei Manajemen Rantai Pasokan Kondom dan Analisa Penggunaannya (KPAN, 2013)
- Evaluation of IMCI Computer Adaptation and Training Tools (ICAAT) to Increase the Skills of Health Providers in the Case Management of Childhood Acute Respiratory Infections (WHO, 2012)
- Survei Nasional Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba (pada Kelompok Pekerja) di 33 Propinsi (BNN, 2012)
- Designing and Improved IFA Supplementation Program for Pregnant Women (Micronutrient Initiative, 2012)
- Assessment of the Vitamin A Supplementation Program in Indonesia (Micronutrient Initiative, 2012)
- Management of Data and Analysis of Secondary Information of Maternal Health Care Quality (WHO, 2012)
- Assess Coverage and Quality of Intermediate and Early Postnatal Care Service According to The District Model Tested in Garut District (Saving Newborn Life/SNL, 2011)
- Survei Nasional Perkembangan Penyalahgunaan dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba pada Kelompok Pelajar dan Mahasiswa di 16 Propinsi di Indonesia (BNN, 2011)
- Survei Nasional Perkembangan Narkoba di 17 Provinsi di Indonesia (Kerugian Sosial dan Ekonomi) (BNN, 2011)
- Situation Analysis of Adolescent: Survey and Policy Analysis (UNICEF, 2009)
- Shaping Priorities and Broadening Access to Reproductive health Services and Securing Resources Rights, Justice and Livelihood of Marginal and Natural Resources Dependent Communities (2006-2008)
- Provision of Survey KAP of the Blood-Borne Disease Program to EMOI Workforce (2007)
- Rapid Household Health Survey at 11 Districts of 6 Provinces: Indonesia Health Services Program (HSP, 2007)
- Final Evaluation of Project-INSS01/P04 Reproductive Health Commodity Security (RHCS) and Aceh Population Cencus-IDNTP101 (2007)
- Relationship of Salivary Phtoestrogens to Age-Related Cognitive Decline and Possible Dementia in Indonesia (Univ. Loughborough, 2007)
- Families and Children Affected by HIV and AIDS in Indonesia: A National Situation Analysis (2007)
- Baseline Survey of Community Health in Murung Raya Central Kalimantan (2006)
- Baseline Study of health and Nutrition Services and Community Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Relation to Health and Nutrition in 2 Districts of 2 Provinces in NTB and NTT (2007)
- Baseline/Midline Assessment for Life Skill Education and Peer Education Intervention in Papua and West Papua Provinces (2003/2007)
- Public Health Baseline Survey in Murung Raya District Central Kalimantan Indonesia – (PT. Maruwai BHP-Billiton, 2006)
- Tuberkulin survey among students in West Sumatra (WHO, 2006)
- Mercy Corps Healthly Start Baseline Survey in North Jakarta(MercyCorp, 2006)
- Survey among Students in Drug Use in 33 provinces in Indonesia – (BNN,RI, 2006)
- NTT & NTB Health Sector Support (HSS) Baseline Household Survey (GTZ, 2006)
- Survey on Livelihood Strategies: Household Economies and Environmental Expenditures. (MercyCorps.2006)
- Qualitative Evaluation of The Saving Newborn Lives Initiative in Cirebon District ( PATH, 2005)
- Baseline Survey Development Activity Program Jakarta Nutrition Program Senyum Mercy Corps in 17 Kelurahan in Jakarta, 2005 (Mercy Corps)
- Basic Human Services Baseline Household Survey: Indonesia Health Services Program (HSP) in 6 provinces, 30 districts (USAID, 2005)
- Household Survey in Drug Use in 16 provinces 23 cities in Indonesia – (BNN,RI, 2005)
- Assessment of HIV/AIDS Vulnerability in Young People Focusing on Injecting Drugs Users (UNESCO, 2005)
- Study on the Health Problems among Workers inGold Mining in West Java and South Kalimantan (in Collaboration with PT. Daya Makara and Ministry of Health, 2005)
- Study of Mapping on Occupational Health Problem in 6 provinces 12 districts in Indonesia(in collaboration with PT.Japaru with Center for Occupational Health Ministry of Health, 2005)
- Benefit Evaluation Study II (BES II) (ICDC, Ministry of Health, 2004/2005)
- Final Impact Evaluation of Behaviour Change Intervention (BCI) Component of the Maternal and Neonatal Health Program in Indonesia –Maternal Neonatal Health (MNH) Project, 2004
- Risk Evaluation on Toxic Substances in Automobile Exhaust in The Jakarta Urban Area: Human Health Effects (The JICA, The US, Ministry of Environment, 2004)
- Study on Economics and Social Costin Drug Use in 10 major citiesin Indonesia (BNN RI, 2004)
- Baseline Data Collection for Intervention Aimed at Reducing HIV Vulnerability of Young People in Papua Province
- The Study on Improving of Safe Injection in Immunization Programmes in two district (Indramayu and OKU)
- The Study Costing on Immunization Program (Case Study in Bangka-Belitung and Center Java Provinces (P2M Depkes-ICDC, 2003)
- Intervention of IEC-HIV/AIDS among IDU in Jakarta (ASA-FHI-USAID, 2002-2003)
- A field trial: Preventing Low Birth Weight in Indonesia through Maternal Nutrition and Multi-micronutrient Supplementation in Indramayu, (UNICEF, 2000-2002)
- Essential Reproductive Health Baseline Survey in South Sumatra, West Java, West Kalimantan and East Nusa Tenggara (UNFPA, 2002).
- Research on economic analysis of the BDD program (PATH, 2002).
- Model Socialization of Reproductive Health among Rural Family and Community In Purwakarta and Pandeglang, (Ministry of Empowerment), 2002.
- Evaluation of the Provincial IEC models (Menkokesra –AusAID (2001)
- Fairness in Financing (WHO- SEARO, 2001)
- Study on prevalence of tobacco use in WHO South-East Asia Region (WHO-SEARO) 2001
- Research on economic analysis of the BDD program (JPHIEGO) 2001
- Prevalence and Causes of Abortion in Indonesia (UNFPA, 2000)
- Analysis of Health situation and financial requirements in Sulawesi Tenggara (AusAID,2000)
- Essential drugs and contraceptives stock supply survey in 5 provinces in Indonesia (John Snow Inc,2000)
- Indonesian Cholesterol and other risks study (Bayer Inc-2000)
- Quality Assessment Study for the Service Delivery Expansion Support (SDES) project in Family Planning in Indonesia (1999)
- Zinc supplementation among infants in Indramayu (UNICEF, 1998- 1999)
- Monitoring the distribution of USAID donated contraceptives (1999)
- Conceptual Framework for Maternal and Child Survival, Development and Protection (1996)
- Unraveling the Mysteries of Maternal Deaths in West Java (1996)
- Situation Analysis of HIV/AIDS and Its Impacts on Women and Children in Indonesia (1996)
- Reproductive Health Modules for Parents with Children and Adolescents (1996)
- Quality of Care in Indonesia: Review for Policy Determination (1996)
- EPI Service Quality and Attitude Study of vaccinators and Service Receivers (1993-94)
- Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Massage Girls and Parlor Managers towards AIDS in Jakarta (1992)
- Prospective Study of Bacterial Vaginosis and Intervention (1991-93)
- Improved iron-folate distribution to alleviate maternal anemia (1990-92)
- The Indramayu Health and Family Prospective Study (1991-92)
- Qualitative assessment of postpartum morbidities in Indramayu Regency (1990-1991)
- Community-Based Birth Registration Through the Mobilization of Birth Attendants in Bogor Regency (1990)
- Initiation and Duration of Breast-feeding in Indonesia (1990)