Project Info
Project Description
A new report from the National Narcotics Agency which collaborated with the Center for Health Research University of Indonesia found that through the 10 years, found there was decreasing drug use among students both for current users and ever used groups. The ever used group prevalence rate decreased from 8,1% (2006) to 3,8% (2016) which means that if in 2006 there were 8 from 100 students who used drugs then in 2016 only 4 students would be using. There was also a lowered number of drug users in the current users group, specifically, in 2006, there were 5,2% which decreased to only 1.9% in 2016.
Characterized by educational degree, it was generally found that there was a greater tendency among students with a higher educational status to use drugs both in current and ever used user. Which mean, Junior High School has the lowest number of drug user while the highest was in University. However, in 2016 there were no significant differences in drug use between High School and University students.
Based on territory distribution, it was found that the highest rate for ever used group among students was in DI Yogyakarta, followed by DKI Jakarta, West Sumatra and East Kalimantan. Yet, there was an significant decreasing number of drug abuse in DI Yogyakarta for current year which means, many of ever used user student in DI Yogyakarta stop to using drugs.
In summary, drug use among students decreased over the last 10 years, the lowest rate of drug user was in Junior High School and the highest was in University, although in 2016 there was no significant difference between High School and University users. It was found that DI Yogyakarta was the city with the highest number of drug users among students, however in 2016 there was a significant decrease in the number of student drug users. Although the effort to lower the number of student drugs users was successful, still there is a need to maintain and emphasize the anti-drugs program to prevent it rising again and to continue lowering the number of student drug users in Indonesia.